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Writer's picture: Pia and CullenPia and Cullen

Today on April 28th we find ourselves immersed in the marvelous idealistic period of Enlightening Earth Energy again, which will last for the next thirteen days! This energy is aligned with the radiance of the Sun, and we are certainly experiencing the sun’s power and potency as intense Coronal Mass Ejections from the Sun (CME’s) are arriving more frequently. You can see from the above picture of the KP index on April 24 what a difference we are experiencing in our environment! We can feel the intensity of the Sun’s light even at a cellular level as we drink in the solar energy; we are being filled with light and new energy during this period!

Enlightening Earth Energy is the symbol of wholeness and completion. It offers visions that can only be realized from a higher, more “enlightened” connection to and resonance with the universe. We can best use this energy by shining our own light in conjunction with the light of the Sun to bring all dualistic perspectives into harmonious unity. As Laarkmaa has so often told us, humanity has erroneously used duality to create increased separation, rather than using it as it was intended: to show us opposite perspectives to help us grow as we enhance our cooperation and work together in Unity.

With the Sun’s help, we are in a position for major transformations if we take advantage of the light that is being given to us. We can make real progress in saying, “NO!” to all that harms us and the planet and living in a parallel way to what is suggested or mandated by those who wish to control us, continually saying, “YES!” to Nature, the cosmos, Love, and each other.

We are also still in the middle of “Eclipse Season” having completed a Total Solar Eclipse and moving towards the May 5 Total Lunar Eclipse. This Eclipse occurs during the Full Moon in Scorpio, so we are likely to have all kinds of shadows, old wounds, and powerful emotions surface. It is a South Node of the Moon Eclipse, which means that it is providing us the opportunity for old forms and energy to exit: a perfect time for a final clearing of everything that does not serve our evolutionary growth! Just let it go. We are also supported by Mercury in Retrograde in this period, helping us to go inward to re-examine our habits and patterns so we can wisely choose to discard those that keep us stuck. We are in a period of letting go of the old and ushering in the new!

Remember that Enlightening energy can bring a tendency for disappointment when our ideals are not immediately forthcoming, so be prepared and determine to refuse to be discouraged or disappointed by what we may believe we need when the Sun is so generously lighting another path for us. Enlightening Energy will be in effect, over-lighting each daily energy, until May 10, so use the gift of light and remember that you are light! Shine your light as brightly as you possibly can.

With kindness, compassion, and love,


Explore your personal Pleiadian-Earth energies in depth with your own Pleiadian-Earth Energy Chart.

You can look more deeply into the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system in the book Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology- Charting the Spirals of Consciousness and the accompanying continual reference Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar.

Laarkmaa is offering their assistance through sharing their Pleiadian perspective in personal sessions. You can request a personal session to receive their help or an Evolutionary Evaluation.

Intuitive Sessions with Pia are also available.

You request a general Alternative Health Session session or get individualized dietary support based on the Ascension Diet from Pia to support the changes you are making at a cellular level.

NANO SOMA, which helps you to return to the original blueprint of health, is available here (all proceeds go towards sharing Laarkmaa’s wisdom with the world):

My Course about Pleiadian-Earth Energy and Venus offers a deeper understanding of all the energies of the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system.

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Apr 28, 2023

Thank you Laarkmaa 😊 💓 Thank you Pia and Cullen.




Slavica Vukanic
Slavica Vukanic
Apr 28, 2023

Thanks a lot, dear all - Laarkmaa, Pia and Cullen!🙏💗

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