Press Kit
Authors Pia Orleane, Ph.D. and Cullen Baird Smith have an international following that includes readers and listeners from all over the world. Their Wisdom From the StarsTM trilogy is available in English worldwide, and the first book of the series has been translated into Russian, French, and German. They have appeared on international radio, television, and podcasts across the world, including Coast to Coast AM and have contributed articles to international magazines ranging from New Dawn in Australia, Watkins and Kindred Spirits in the UK, and The Association for Humanistic Psychology in America. Pia was nominated for Kindred Spirits Writer of the Year award, and several of their books have won Nautilus (Better Books for a Better World) and Coalition of Visionary Resources awards. They are the designers of the revolutionary Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar for navigating your life by energy rather than time, which is updated yearly. This calendar was inspired by Pia and Cullen’s 2018 book, Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology–Charting the Spirals of Consciousness.
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