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Readers Say...

Remembering who we are - book cover
Conversations with Laarkmaa - book cover
Remembering Who We Are: Laarkmaa's Guidance on Healing the Human Condition

"What I have read is encouraging. There are practical applications for assisting in my personal evolution and thereby helping others as well.  It just makes sense."

~ Lia Conzemius, USA


"What an amazing gift…on so many levels. I was riveted; it seems so familiar, and I couldn't put it down. Such a joy; thank you. It will certainly touch the hearts of those who remember, and I hope will ring a chord with those who have forgotten."

~Nicola Merton-Richards, The Martinsell Spiritual Center, U.K. 


"This book brings an answer to my searching. There is so much here that gives me goosebumps as I read it. Fantastic job all the way around! Now, of course, I would like to buy copies to give to all of the people who need what Laarkmaa has to say."

~ Rebecca Gretz, Expressions of Love, Radio Host, U.S.A. 


"This book is simple and deep. The vast implications for what is possible are matched with the feelings of love behind the text. It is now up to me to engage in a personal practice to make positive changes in my life."

~ Hans Nillson, Author: Discover Your Problem Solving Abilities, Sweden



Conversations with Laarkmaa: A Pleiadian View of the New Reality

"A riveting journey into the depths of the human soul with an encouraging message that there is still hope for humans, if we choose to act wisely and listen to the voice of love."

~ Cheryl Fracaso, Ph.D., Association for Humanistic Psychology Journal


"This is one of the most thought provoking books I've read in years. It presents powerful insights and observations of our situation on earth, and practical information about how to move toward a brighter future for humanity. I can't wait to see what's in their next book."

~ Kent Noonan, President, En-Lightened Science for Conscious Living


"Conversations With Laarkmaa has given me great insight into everything that I have been doing. The information is elegant, simply put, and relevant for anyone on a spiritual quest or self-awareness journey. Want to know about colors, the devic world, your shadow side, healing, ascension, etc? I highly recommend that you run- not walk- to your local book store or this internet site to buy a copy and begin reading. Thank you to the authors- Pia and Cullen. Amazing Work!!!!"

~ Ellen Shefi, L.Ac., LMT



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