Today we are once again fully into Moving Earth Energy, which Laarkmaa explains, is where we experience the highest and the lowest frequencies in duality. This experience gives us the opportunity to make choices to respond rather than to react to whatever is happening around us (or that we perceive is happening to us.)
It is a restless period full of movement in all directions and a time to make choices for the highest good for all.
As I have mentioned in previous PEEA Reports, the Maya considered Moving Energy to be a primal force in the universe, and we are certainly experiencing what the arrival of primal force energies can do to our physical, mental, and emotional bodies here in 3D. The most important thing to remember during this 13-day energetic period is to grasp all the gifts of the higher vibrations of Moving energy (being flexible, being open to change, adaptability, swift actions when necessary, and a heightened consciousness), while releasing any tendencies toward confrontation, judgment, or blame, which are expressions of the lower vibrations of Moving energy. We always have the opportunity to choose the highest vibration possible in all circumstances.
The best use of Moving Energy is to consider what other possibilities for a better world can we manifest through our higher consciousness and to use this energy to recognize that everything is always changing and we have the choice to adapt as we participate with those changes.
It is a dynamic time with much to offer, if we engage appropriately with this energy. Opportunities are always available for us to be positive and moving into higher and higher frequencies!
With kindness, compassion, and love,

You can look more deeply into the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system in
Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology- Charting the Spirals of Consciousness
and the accompanying non-expiring Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar,
which can be used for continual reference.
Explore your personal Pleiadian-Earth energies in depth with your own Pleiadian-Earth Energy Chart.
You can request an Alternative Health Session or get individualized dietary support based on the Ascension Diet from Pia to support the changes you are making at a cellular level.
NANO SOMA, which helps you to return to the original blueprint of health, and DEFENSE FOR PLANET EARTH protection devices (DPE) are available here (all proceeds go towards sharing Laarkmaa’s wisdom with the world): Laarkmaa is offering their assistance through sharing their Pleiadian perspective in personal sessions. You can request a personal session to receive their help or an Evolutionary Evaluation.
Intuitive Sessions with Pia are also available.