Looking at the world around us, we may perceive that humanity is devolving into fear, selfishness, and ignorance. However, I would like to offer another perspective; is it possible that some of us are accelerating so quickly that our perspective has changed? Perhaps humanity has always been full of fear, selfishness, and ignorance, while holding the possibility of exhibiting the higher values of kindness, compassion, and love, which sometimes are evident. Perhaps we are only focused on the negative because there is so much negativity present in the controlling atmosphere in which we live right now. If I am right, and it is our perspective that has changed, perhaps it is time for another change in perspective to heal the imbalances we are experiencing. We are more powerful than we realize.
Today is the first full day of Healing Earth Energy (which started at sunset yesterday) that will light our way for the next 13 days. This period brings quiet and space for us to contemplate just what is out of balance and how to change it. Examining how our thoughts affect our perspective is a first step in moving away from judgment into acceptance, which is the first step of healing anything–whether it is a belief, a pattern of behavior, a relationship, or a physical problem. A period of Healing Energy provides space to go inward, focus on our minds, bodies, and spirits, and do whatever is necessary to heal ourselves. Healing Earth Energy is a highly spiritual, intense, energy, bringing portals of opportunity for us to actually heal anything and support the healing of others and our world.
I suggest that we use this precious period of Healing Earth Energy to examine our perspectives and see how we can elevate them through acceptance and courage to make necessary changes. As we examine our thoughts and our choices, remember that new ideas and ancient wisdom are both surfacing now for our use on our healing journey. One way to approach a change in perspective is to consider a Living Foods diet, which supports the body, mind, spirit and helps the planet. It may take a change in perspective to incorporate this into your daily choices. In addition to a Living Foods diet, Nano Soma supports the return of the original blueprint for life.
Consider how wed you are to your current perspectives of yourself, others, and life on this planet. Is it time for a change?
With kindness, compassion, and love,
Laarkmaa is offering their assistance through sharing their Pleiadian perspective in personal sessions. You can request a personal session to receive their help or an Evolutionary Evaluation.
You can get dietary support for the Ascension Diet from Pia (based on Pleiadian recommendations) to change the perspectives of your cellular memory OR a general Alternative Health Session here.
NANO SOMA is also available as a system support!
You can look more deeply into the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system in the book Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology- Charting the Spirals of Consciousness and the accompanying continual reference Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar.
Get the 2023 Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar with non-expiring reference information online to find out each day’s energy.
Explore your personal Pleiadian-Earth energies in depth with your own Pleiadian-Earth Energy Chart.
My Course about Pleiadian-Earth Energy and Venus offers a deeper understanding of all the energies of the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system.
Intuitive Sessions with Pia are also available.