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Writer's picturePia and Cullen


At sunset today, we move into the 13-day period of Remembering Earth Energy, an energy that seeks harmony and brings a great appreciation for beauty in the world. Laarkmaa has been encouraging us for many, many years to Remember Who We Are, and the first step to fully remembering is to correct our misperception that we are separate from Nature. We are part of Nature. Remembering energy supports our moving away from these misperceptions of separation, back towards the unity from which we come, as well as reminding us we are part of the natural world.

Many have lost their way as they depend more and more on artificial technology, forgetting to step into the sunshine and put their feet on the grass every day. We can be examples for them through our own return to honoring ourselves as part of Nature. There is a strength and power associated with Nature, in all its beauty, and there is strength and beauty within each of us that is accessed through acts of kindness, choices for the highest good for all, and opening our hearts.

This is a particularly potent 13-day Remembering period because we will experience a very powerful Total Solar Eclipse midway through on April 20. This is a North Node Eclipse, which means it provides a portal in which new forms and energy can enter. It occurs on a New Moon in Aries, which is the Western astrological sign that indicates new beginnings.

Eclipse Season stretches from the Total Solar Eclipse we are about to experience (occurring this week in the 13-day period of Remembering Energy) to the Total Lunar Eclipse that happens on May 5 (occurring in the day-energy of Remembering.) Eclipses are huge opportunities for us to go inward and reassess who we are, review and change our contracts, and redirect our life path. This particular Eclipse Season includes Mercury Retrograde energies, slowing us down even more to reconsider who we are and the choices we make.

A North Node Eclipse puts us in touch with our personal mission and helps us to bravely step into areas that may not be comfortable or familiar from our limited, societal, third dimensional perspective. Remembering is about reclaiming our cosmic citizenship, following cosmic rules and aligning ourselves completely with Nature. In perfect harmony, Remembering Earth Energy aligns with the Arian New Moon to support our stepping into a full remembrance of ourselves as powerful beings who are part of Nature on this planet.

There is great synchronicity in the fact that both of these eclipses happen in Remembering Energy, pointing to what is important for our conscious evolution. We should think about exactly what it is the Universe and the Pleiadians want us to remember and act upon it to achieve our real purpose here on Earth!

With kindness, compassion, and love,


Explore your personal Pleiadian-Earth energies in depth with your own Pleiadian-Earth Energy Chart.

You can look more deeply into the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system in

and the accompanying continual reference Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar.

Get the non-expiring reference of the 2023 Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar online to find out each day’s energy.

Intuitive Sessions with Pia are also available.

Laarkmaa is offering their assistance through sharing their Pleiadian perspective in personal sessions. You can request a personal session to receive their help or an Evolutionary Evaluation.

My Course about Pleiadian-Earth Energy and Venus offers a deeper understanding of all the energies of the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system.

You can get dietary support for the Ascension Diet from Pia (based on Pleiadian recommendations) to change the perspectives of your cellular memory OR a general Alternative Health Session is also available.

Magical NANO SOMA is available here!

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