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We have once again moved into a 13-day period full of unpredictability, increased tension, chaos, and possibilities for momentous changes, beyond what we may have even imagined. Self-Regulating energy requires the continual conscious regulation of our thoughts, our responses, and our choices, as we face whatever challenges arise. There may be sudden endings and new beginnings. Overreactions in relationships becomes a very real possibility in the heightened tension, and we may experience unexpected volatility or powerful surges of emotion seemingly out of the blue. In other words, the door will be open to experience a great deal of drama if we do not remain calm in the midst of the powerful surges of energy that are present.

But Self-Regulating Energy is a Northern energy, so it brings us the possibility of seeing the Truth and the strength we need to face it. Additionally, continuing our alignment with Western Astrology during this period, all planets are moving forward, which means change is definitely upon us! On the fourth day of this cycle, we are collectively moved into a period where we, as a species, can examine our shadows and do what is necessary for the survival and evolution of humanity….if we are conscious and awake. This is our Collective Shadow Cycle, one of two we will experience in 2022.

We should practice more listening and less speaking in these energies, as there will be opportunities for miscommunication, projection, and misunderstandings. We should drop all judgment and blame, and open our hearts to other possibilities and perspectives.

This extremely strong Collective Shadow Cycle will last from February 13 through March 4th. In this energy, it is possible for all illusion to be peeled away to the core, as we separate ourselves from illusion and collectively rebuild our reality by recognizing the Truth. It is often during Collective Shadow Cycles like this one that profound change (positive or negative) can be made at a global level.

Through personal self-awareness and collaboration, we have the chance to change the world by releasing old dysfunctional beliefs and patterns of behavior, making better choices, and doing things in a more positive and cooperative way. It is important during this time to break through the fog of confusion, and we may be required to make some hard choices. This period is likely to bring revelations and major shifts in all our lives, and it will be more important than ever to regulate our reactions, our emotions, our thoughts, and our previously programed patterns of reactions and actions.

With kindness, compassion, and love,


Note: I will be offering an in-depth workshop the weekend of March 25, 26, and 27th to guide you through understanding the deeper meanings of the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system and how to apply it in your lives, your relationships, and in the lives of others. This system is built around 13 Universal Energies, 20 Earth Energies, and the guidance of Venus, a planet whose guidance is revered by the Pleiadians. Choose to spend three magical mornings with me for 90 minutes to change your way of being in the world!

For more information about your own energetic makeup and Venus influences, choose to order a personal Pleiadian-Earth Energy Evolutionary Astrological Chart. You can also explore the Pleiadian-Earth Energy SystemTM more deeply in the book Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology and in the 2022 Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar.

Photo from 2022 Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar

by Pia Orleane, Ph.D. & Cullen Baird Smith

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