As promised, we have compiled some of the responses we received about participating in the 12 January ceremony to "Reactivate the Solar Umbilical Cord of the Planet to the Sun. We are sending these comments in a Newsletter to you, and we will also post them on our Blog this week. In reading what others share below, please notice how many people are opening to experiencing energy rather than time....or place. As we told you initially, our experience simply took us to the ceremony to join in. We were physically there, and simultaneously in our quiet home~ a truly multi-dimensional experience! To everyone who chose to share, thank you! In Lak'ech!
"I live in Brisbane Australia and opened the Laarkmaa email regarding Uluru on the day of the 12th. I had just come up from a deep meditation and just knew I had agreed to participate. With the bush fires here, I have felt an immense and deep shift within myself (cleansing/deeper meaning) so it was from that depth that I stepped forward to assist. Do I understand what it was all about? No, but I’ve no need to, just simply being where and how I’m guided to be."
Cheryll, Australia
"I give great gratitude to our aboriginal brothers and sisters for holding this beautiful stabilizing energy for our passage, and I am grateful to Laarkmaa, Pia, and Cullen for making this known to us. The visualized journey to the rock was really powerful, and as we descended we could see all of the peoples gathered there. There was a multitude. We joined our energies to those present and our light was added to the umbilical cord as we all directed the energy to union with the sun. Everyone experienced something and most felt that it was a potent experience. Indeed we transported ourselves there and I did feel very connected to both Pia and Cullen throughout. Sending love and an abundance of fortitude and joy as we are now in the chute. I can feel it!"
Sharon, USA
"As soon as I started to chant the suggested ceremonial words I felt a swirling motion in my heart and experienced calmness.
I felt myself stable as a rock and at the same time expanded, beyond my physical body. It felt so natural, yet, I felt it for the first time in my life."
Vineta, Sweden
"On the day of the ceremony, I experienced a buzzing in my solar plexus area and was light-headed. (I usually experience collective earth related experiences in my body.) Even though my prayers were sent at a different time, I could feel this. It just goes to demonstrate to me how connected we are to each other." ÂGaye Lagana, USA
"I felt drawn to be part of the Aboriginal Cosmic Activation Ceremony, while outside walking in the forest. I felt a strong presence in my body as I walked, an awareness of being part of the energetic shift. My body still feels stronger and more energetic since then."
Helena, Sweden
"With open hearts and firmly grounded in Gaia's waters, Stanley and I joined the energetic gathering at Uluru and Kata Tjuta as Gaia’s solar plexus chakra was once again connected to our Sun through it's cosmic umbilical cord! As we looked up above the New Mexican mountains, a long, long line of powerful birds flew from east to west across the sky. I believe they were Sandhill cranes. Their journey was not without struggle as the lead changed position several times. Their *V* shape was not perfect-- many (the majority) of the birds flew in single line formation on one side of the *V* while other, perhaps stronger birds flew the shorter side of the formation. It was Nature -- and we were part of it.
Standing in the present NOW with you all!"
Resha and Stanley, USA
"I saw a lot of different energy colours flowing in and out– red, green, orange, purple, white. I also felt waves moving through my body."
Gaby, Germany
"I completely let go and absorbed the incoming energies to anchor myself into the ceremony. I felt myself travel through the Earth core, crossing a timeline to enable a manifestation of results from participating in the ceremony."
ÂBenedict, Germany
"I recognized light in my head!"
Gerd, Germany
"Energy built up by connecting to Lightmovers, Earth, the Universe, Australia, the Aboriginals, our Light Ancestors, and the Sun. I felt a lot of intense energy of new beginnings and a renewal of the physical form of Earth and Human Beings."
ÂSabrina, Germany
"After participating in the ceremony, I was walking on beach when I felt a huge energetic hot flash. I don't know what it was; I just felt it. I felt connected to the energy from the ceremony, and I was wide-awake with energy all night."
"I saw and felt the strengthening of the Solar Umbilical cord. Then I saw umbilical cords of all the planets, in a kind of web, where they were all strengthening and connecting."
"Yes I experienced the same as you– I was there, while still at home!"
Diana, Sweden
And so it begins.....our journey into all that Laarkmaa has promised we will achieve as the New Humans!
With love and light,
Pia and Cullen