As we welcome 2020, with its promise for radical change, it would
be beneficial for each and every one of us to remember Laarkmaa's
guidance to listen to our hearts and speak out to co-create the world
we want to see.
Part of this is learning to be kinder to everyone in our lives, including
ourselves. And part of this is learning to be stronger in speaking
against things that do not promote the highest good for all–including
the 5G Death Sentence that is being crammed down our throats by
those who want to control us at any cost. The pretty promises of what
5G will bring malevolently omit the truth of what 5G across the planet
will do to extinguish all life, beginning with insidious symptoms that
are already making us sick. Think, feel, and act from your hearts, as
together we use our power to call a halt to the ongoing implementation of 5G.
And watch the videos listed here to see the truth about what 5G is doing to us all.
Love and light,
Pia and Cullen