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MP3 Downloads - 2020

We have given our time, our energy, and our hearts to make this dialogue between humanity and a loving group of Pleiadians possible. The recordings of many conversations are available here. Our goal is to support human evolution through opening people's hearts. Your exchange makes it possible to keep Laarkmaa's information available on this site.      ~  With love and light, Pia and Cullen

rose, heart and wings
(Click on link to download)


December 2020

December 27, 2020 - Gateway to Portal Openings

Topics: Confusion about unfoldings; Positive energies changing consciousness; Merging who we are & who we are becoming; Love and Revolutionary Change.


December 20, 2020 - Remembering Who You Are

Topics: Feeling the income waves; Interesting and Unusual changes; Ending 1 cycle and beginning another; Possibilities that are arriving.


December 13, 2020 - Increasing Compassion
Topics: Healing all aspects of ourselves; Flowing towards Who We Are; Preparing for a New World.


December 6, 2020 - Understanding & Remembering

Topics:  Increasing waves of energies! Understanding and Remembering; Unity!


November 2020

November 29, 2020 - New Levels of Awareness

Topics: Confusion is beginning to clear; Stepping into another level of awareness;

Evolutionary process accelerating; Remove old patterns and act from your hearts.


November 22, 2020 - Ascension of the planet

Topics: Exploring what is arriving; Be curious, not afraid; Ask how each event is beneficial? How am I supporting the ascension of the planet?


November 15, 2020 - Looking through the lens of Change

Topics: Our transition; Looking through the lens of change; Transcending challenges; Encouragement.


November 8, 2020 - Huge changes undeway!
Topics: Amazing energies sweeping our fields; Catalyzing movement into evolution;

Making choices of trust and kindness; Huge changes in who you are.


November 1, 2020 - Choosing well

Topics:  Humanity’s greatest gift; choosing a higher vibration; choosing appreciation, love, and light; Choices to speak out against harmful things; Remembering that you are an energy of love.


October 2020

October 25, 2020 - Moving Forward!

Topics: Harmony into discord; Movement from lower to higher vibration; opportunities to work for harmony for all.


October 18, 2020 - Love makes a difference!

Topics: Increase of intuition; the present energies of resistance; feeling stuck; remembering that we are loved and supported; using our hearts.


October 11, 2020 - Amazing Gifts Available!
Topics: Connection and Illumination; amazing gifts available to us; a deserved rest;

Evaluation of our movement towards Joy.


October 4, 2020 - Our Human Gift

Topics:  Powerful and positive energies arriving! Our human gift; How to use it to help the Earth.


September 2020

September 27, 2020 - The Collective Shadow Cycle continues

Topics: Close of the Shadows; Feeling change on an inner level; Merging with other realms; Merging perspectives; Evolving into a new form.


September 20, 2020 - More Light Pouring In

Topics: Unstable energies; Feeling uncertain; Making the right choices; More light assistance; Recognizing duality’s gifts.


September 13, 2020 - Amazing Opportunity!
Topics: Amazing opportunity; Stepping away from illusion; Collective Shadow

Cycle responsibilities; Listening to your heart and each other; Spreading



September 6, 2020 - Energies to raise our vibration!

Topics:  Playful, light energies; Raising vibrations in Preparation; Boosting your power; Enhancing intuition; Connecting with one another.


August 2020

August 30, 2020 - Humanity's Time of Crisis

Topics: Emotional overwhelm; Humanity’s time of crisis; Feeling things energetically; Stabilizing practice for the future; Changing the outer world by changing ourselves.


August 23, 2020 - Light Supports Crystalline Body Transformation

Topics: Instability; Extra light pouring in; Transforming from Carbon base to Crystalline base.


August 16, 2020 - Using Our Third Eye to See Reality

Topics: An increase of positive energy! Seeing from our Third Eye; Building a foundation of love, trust, joy, and compassion.


August 9, 2020 - Instant Manifestation of our Thoughts

Topics: Undercurrent of dynamic tension rising to the surface; Harmonize opposites; Instant manifestation of thoughts; Manifesting a different reality.


August 2, 2020 - Restlessness and Inner Tension

Topics:  Restlessness; Inner tension; Laarkmaa’s assurance & encouragement; Being the love and light we are.


July 2020

July 26, 2020 - Gateway to Portal Openings

Topics: Gateway to a portal of harmonious energy; focusing on Unity Consciousness; keeping our energy high.


July 19, 2020 - Remembering Who You Are

Topics: Dynamic tension pulling the mind into conflict; remembering from our hearts; shifting energy to become Beings of Love.


July 12, 2020 - Increasing Compassion
Topics: Unity Consciousness; Increasing our sensitivities;

aligning compassion with arriving energies.


July 5, 2020 - Major Decisions can Wait!

Topics:  Even though you may be eager... wait to start that project; Full Moon Lunar Eclipse; Rate of changes will be increasing; Stay present!



June 2020

June 28, 2020 - Transcending Chaos

Topics: Live Call Today; Chaos and Dynamic Tension; Merging Opposites into Harmony; An auspicious moment for transcending it all


June 21, 2020 - Solstice Revolutionary Catalyzing Light

Topics: Alignment of forces; New Moon, Solstice; Catalyzing Energy;

Peaceful Global Revolution; Standing up for Truth.


June 14, 2020 - Choosing to Flow
Topics: Choosing to be flexible; practicing being waveforms;

flowing into each Now moment.


June 7, 2020 - Moving Forward with Understanding

Topics:  Live Call Today; Accelerated movement; deeper understanding;

how and where we are moving; Congratulations on progress!



May 2020

May 31, 2020 - New energies - regulating ourselves

Topics: Change in our world; Regulating our own energy; moving from

third dimension to multi-dimensionality; expanding consciousness;

moving between states of being.


May 24, 2020 - Double Illumination influences
Topics: A Day of Light and Celebration; Bringing the light of expanded

awareness to consciousness; Illuminating the world; opening perspectives

to multi-dimensionality.


May 17, 2020 - Pleiadian- Earth Alignment

Topics:  Pleiadian - Earth Alignment today! Feeling Pleiadian influence; increase communications with Pleiadians; Sending love to the Pleiadians.


May 10, 2020 - Manifesting an Evolved State of Being

Topics: Universal Energies in sync with Gregorian Calendar; Aligning with Cosmic Energies; Possibilities for Manifestation; Changing Realities.


May 3, 2020 -13 Days of Alignment

Topics: 13 Days of Alignment with Cosmic Energy; Can you notice the difference? Devotion to Natural Rhythms; Investing in Intuition & Synchronicities.



April 2020

April 26, 2020 - Listening as a tool for power

Topics: Expand your harmony and deepen your intuition; Listening to the
voice in your heart; overcoming misleading distractions; knowing what to

do of service and when; moving out of oppression; using the wisdom and power guided by our hearts.


April 19, 2020 - Intuition and Synchronicities
First Sense–your most important sense; Using intuition for
synchronicities and wisdom; overcoming communication problems;
rising above outside influences.


April 12, 2020 - Gratitude for Earth and our Star family

Topics:  More sightings in the sky, increased telepathic abilities; gratitude for
the help we are receiving; feeling the collective.


April 7, 2020  British Interview-What Are We to Do?

Topics: Step out of Fear and into Love; Expand Your Consciousness; Take Back Your Power; In Lak'ech


April 6, 2020   Scientific Guest - Urgent New World Truth

Topics: Science backs Pleiadian perspective; the truth about 5G and control; is there

a virus? Physical and Mental Effects of 5G


April 5, 2020 - The Larger Perspective

Topics:  The larger perspective; using Breathing energy; the old falls away;
remembering that this has been predicted; unprecedented transition;
a new world.



March 2020

March 29, 2020 - The Wave - Carrying Us Into Who We Truly Are!

Topics:  Feeling possibility, potentiality, connection, and success! The wave
that carries us into who we truly are; Feeling the changes in our cells.


March 22, 2020 - Becoming our Future Selves

Topics:  Integrating all we have learned and done; Expressing unconditional
love; Incorporating Ahimsa into daily living as our Future Selves.


March 15, 2020 - Focus on human Beings

Topics:  New beginnings; Using the energy of "Being" to manifest what
comes next; focus on human Beings.


March 8, 2020 - Light and the Schumann Resonance

Topics:  All about light; The Schumann Resonance and human form; chance
for an Evolutionary Leap!


March 1, 2020 - Using Our True Foundation

Topics:  Moving Forward with our True Foundation; Finding Stability;
Laarkmaa's Heart Meditation.



February 2020

February 23, 2020 - Light and the Schumann Resonance

Topics:  All about light; The Schumann Resonance and human form; chance
for an Evolutionary Leap!


February 16, 2020 - Using Our True Foundation

Topics:  Moving Forward with our True Foundation; Finding Stability;
Laarkmaa's Heart Meditation.


February 9, 2020 - Collective Drama

Topics:  What are we manifesting? Collective Drama; Moving beyond who we
think we are; Laarkmaa's "World Message" Reminder.


February 2, 2020 - The Struggle for Freedom

Topics:  Increasing Dynamic Tension; Freedom & Security; Catalyzing
information; How to proceed.



January 2020

January 26, 2020 - Examples of how to use our power of choice

Topics:  Choice, choice, choice; we make a difference; how to use the power of choice.


January 21, 2020 - Message to the World

Topics:  What is Fear? and What is Separation?; Separation as fear of

annihilation; Earth as a Cosmic Playground; Understanding the Nature of all Reality; Integration moves you into the Ascension process; A peaceful heart is necessary to Ascend; On Earth, You cannot continue to live in a lower frequency; Embracing rather than avoiding the process of transition; Asking for Grace; Atlantis and our Civilization; Surrendering the Illusion of Self; The Dark's request to return to the Light.


January 19, 2020 - Heal and Move Forward

Topics:  Laarkmaa encourages us to heal and move on; explanations of what is happening on the planet; Earth rebels; our job.


January 12, 2020 - Planetary Changes & Life Changing Events

Topics:  Regulating ourselves through the chaos; planetary influences bring chaos huge changes; guidance on how to proceed.


January 5, 2020 - Creative New Beginnings

Topics:  New Energetic period; using energy for creativity; the power within us; shining light to reveal possibilities; lunar eclipse.


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