MP3 Downloads - 2015
We have given our time, our energy, and our hearts to make this dialogue between humanity and a loving group of Pleiadians possible. The recordings of many conversations are available here. Our goal is to support human evolution through opening people's hearts. Your donations make it possible to keep Laarkmaa's information available on this site. ~ With love and light, Pia and Cullen
(Click on link to download)
Talk on "Evolving Toward Unity"
December 2015
December 27, 2015 - Unpredictable Changes
Topics: The final big push, who we believe we have been, radical change and transformation, the coming series of shifts, using our emotions
December 20, 2015 - How to Determine Our Own Reality
Topics: Influx of cosmic energies, possibilities, the prism of truth, who am I?, determining our own reality
December 13, 2015 - A Higher Version of Ourselves
Topics: Examining our fundamental beliefs, beliefs of the collective, loving all aspects of ourselves, InLak’ech, changing ourselves
December 6, 2015 - Celebrating Our Divinity
Topics: Saving ourselves, moving away from fear & suffering, awakening to our divine power, celebrating our divinity
November 2015
November 22, 2015 - Russia and America
Topics: The energetic bridge, Russia and America, portal places, seeds of human evolution, human-star being communication
November 15, 2015 - Guidelines for Cosmic Understanding
Topics: Cosmic understanding, guidelines for using meteor energy, fulfilling our purpose, making a difference
November 8, 2015 - Meteors Light Our Way
Topics: Meteors light our way, journey of light, building the foundation for humanity
November 1, 2015 - The Energy of Gratitude
Topics: Gratitude and thanksgiving with energy, energetic differences between fear and love, incorporating more energy of love, focus on the energy of gratitude, asking, “How can I be of service?”, each experience speeds the evolutionary journey, being grateful for challenges
October 2015
October 25, 2015 - Energetic Polarity of Feelings
Topics: Focus on internal energy, examining what you feel, feelings exhibit positive or negative polarity, moving beyond negative polarities, explore resonance, what energy are you in any moment?, speeding our evolutionary journey
October 18, 2015 - Techniques for Survival and Evolution
Topics: Everything is energy; assess your outer world through energy; how energy manifests into form; essential techniques for survival & evolution; people, interactions, and surroundings are all energy; understanding energy helps give direction
October 4, 2015 - Abundance
Topics: Monetary systems collapse, how to achieve true abundance, equalizing “enough” for all, moving through the change
September 2015
Topics: Opening of psychic vision, increased intuition, Earth changes are accelerating, star beings are here to help, ascension process of Earth, becoming the New Humans
September 20, 2015 - Waves of Fear Wash Over the Earth
Topics: The edges of fear as things fall apart, increased sensitivities, core days: stripping away the non-essential, forcing the collective out of old beliefs, the choice: Karma or Rainbow Body?, how to be who we are
September 13, 2015 - Can We Really Change the World?
Topics: External Changes & internal changes, using our energy together, can we change sugar into a good thing?, increasing vibrations together, addictive thinking
September 6, 2015 - Aspects of Extreme: Good or Evil?
Topics: Good or evil, separation or unity, acceptance of differences, changing perceptions
August 2015
August 30, 2015 - All is Part of the Whole of Love
Topics: Feel duality in everything, integrating differences into the whole, use your breath to understand duality, use duality to reach the whole of love
August 23, 2015 - An Invitation to Rainbow Body
Topics: Are we really seeing what we choose?, all life is sacred, an invitation to join Laarkmaa
August 16, 2015 - Change
Topics: Venus guides us through duality, enter into Love by being Love, remember “I am Love”
August 9, 2015 - Venus Brings Abundance
August 2, 2015 - Why Laarkmaa’s Message Is Different
July 2015
July 26, 2015 - The Split is Happening
Topics: Living in parallel universes, the choices of others, feeling alone and hopeless, what Is changing is you!, earth and you move into new form, those closest to rainbow body suffer the most, why it is painful--living in two places at once, see the etheric, not the physical
July 19, 2015 - Pluto's Shadow and Emotional Manipulation
Topics: Deep transition and suffering on many levels, emotional manipulation, change your emotional responses, work in pairs with emotional exchange, manipulation vs. communication, opportunities to clear shadow remnants
July 12, 2015 - Pluto's Shadow: Criticism and Judgment
Topics: The shadow over humanity, Pluto & Uranus--final cleansing, mental aspects of shadow: judgment & blame; the magnetic draw to criticize; cellular effects of judgment; the potentials of others
July 5 , 2015 - Financial Security
Topics: Third dimensional financial failure, currency changes, financial changes build community, your country’s pathway of change is yours, having more money does not keep you safe, challenges are necessary for transformation, practice trust--all occurs to strengthen you
June 2015
June 28, 2015 - A Leap to the New World: Balanced Exchange
Topics: Human based exchange, moving into an expanded state, fear of lack, how to change the old paradigm, what can I give?
June 21, 2015 - Solstice Message
Topics: Solstice magic; a time of abundance, fullness, connection; how Nature feeds us; stepping into multi-dimensionality with Nature’s help
June 14, 2015 - Folding of Time
Topics: Shifting Dimensions, sensing various Realities and the folding of time
June 7, 2015 - Going Back to the Heart
Topics: Self-regulation, moving into our hearts for balance, claiming responsibility for our emotions, using our breath to self-regulate
May 2015
May 24, 2015 - Seeds of the New Foundation
Topics: Love, Joy, Trust, Compassion--what are we creating?; choosing the new foundation, Pleiadian star dust helping us
May 17, 2015 - Dimensional Awareness
Topics: Where are we? Dimensional integrity; moving towards Rainbow Body form, conscious choice leads our way, perspectives on multidimensional experience
May 10, 2015 - Divine Feminine
Topics: Honoring Mother Energy, Honoring the Mother of all Nature: Earth, honoring divine feminine energy, androgynous acceptance of divine feminine
May 3, 2015 - Chaotic Energies
Topics: Chaotic energies affecting us, stilling the emotions, potential for new energies in chaos, access what and how you are feeling, paying attention to how quickly we can change!
[Translation: Deutsch]
April 2015
April 26, 2015 - Connecting and Community
Topics: Tuning in to Laarkmaa’s Heart Gathering, being part of the community, connecting with other Light Movers, communication without words
April 19, 2015 - Our Cosmic Heritage
Topics: Natural feeling states, the extremes of feeling, processing feelings for humanity
April 12, 2015 - The Music of Integration
Topics: The winds of change, space noise and earth noise, signs of development, integrating at a cellular level
[Translation: Deutsch]
April 5, 2015 - Change is in the Air
Topics: Spring opens the way for humanity, confusion in the External World, discernment or Judgment?, new colors, sounds, and communication, choices based on first sense
March 2015
March 29, 2015 - SIlence, Magic, and Communication
Topics: The potency of silence, the magic to change the world, April: opportunity to change the format of communication
[Translation: Deutsch]
March 22, 2015 - Moving into Waveform
Topics: Dualistic perspectives of being human, experiences of limitation and freedom, the consciousness of the body, moving into Waveform: physical, mental, & emotional changes, an invitation
[Translation: Deutsch]
March 15, 2015 - Déjà Vu and the Awakening
Topics: Energy versus time, deja Vu, parallel Lives: the circle of self, exercise to access dimensional doors, the Awakening
[Translation: Deutsch]
March 8, 2015 - Why You Are on Earth
Topics: Remembering, the cry for assistance and why we came to Earth, the courage to stay during the most intense challenges, joining the Pleiadian perspective, Uranus and Pluto causing ripples of possibility for change
March 1, 2015 - Energetic Changes
Topics: The 26,000 year change, pole shifts, how duality is moving into unity, consciousness is energy, karmic patterns continued or stopped
[Translation: Deutsch]
February 2015
February 22, 2015 - What are the Right Questions?
Topics: Curiosity: asking the right questions, new possibilities, building on our creative abilities, acceptance before movement, the key to movement is perception
February 15, 2015 - Why Are We Here?
Topics: Responsibility and Transcendence, challenges are an opportunity for new perspectives, why we are here; What is our job?
February 8, 2015 - Key to Creative Mastery
Topics: Learning the energies, catalyzing change; co-creating; Ahimsa; what we think, feel, do affects all others; what is disruptive to our higher vibration?
February 1, 2015 - Key to Mercury Retrograde
Topics: Choices that change our destiny; Mercury retrograde; Resetting our "still point"; harmony is the key; love, joy, trust, unity, and harmony
January 2015
January 25, 2015 - Earth Changes and Human Changes
Topics: Earth changes, human emotional response, what is to come, uncertainty and trust
January 18, 2015 - Messages from Venus
Topics: 26,000 Year Opportunity, quantum leap now, dawning of the Age of Aquarius, vision of a New World
Topics: Illusion and reality--can we tell the difference?
January 1, 2015 - New Year's Message
Topics: Explanation of Pleiadian-Earth core days, stripping everything to the core, the essential remaining, letting go of old beliefs.