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MP3 Downloads - 2014

We have given our time, our energy, and our hearts to make this dialogue between humanity and a loving group of Pleiadians possible. The recordings of many conversations are available here. Our goal is to support human evolution through opening people's hearts. Your donations make it possible to keep Laarkmaa's information available on this site.      ~  With love and light, Pia and Cullen

pink and purple energy
(Click on link to download)

Laarkmaa's Heart Meditation


Talk on "Evolving Toward Unity"



December 2014

December 28, 2014 Message from Venus #2



December 21, 2014 Holiday Diet #3

Topics: cosmic rhythms on Earth, exploring aspects of duality, Solstice 2014: no better time to see the darkness and shine light, substances that interfere with natural rhythms, alcohol clouds ability to see true reality, "presents" and "presence" missed through caffeine's speed.


December 14, 2014 Holiday Diet #2

Topics:  Influences on the electromagnetic system, sugar: toxic, addictive, and controlling, damage to the light body form, clearing the sugar haze, alternative choices for Christmas cookies, corn is an addictive substance.


December 7, 2014 Holiday Diet #1

Topics: Disbanding illusions about tradition, celebrate as you send light into darkness, the holiday feast & meat, shadows of aggression fed by meat,

sending light as others make different choices.


November 2014

November 2, 2014 "The New Human #4"

Topics: The flow of wave motion, how we define ourselves, alchemical change,

new transportation, rainbow body.


November 9, 2014 "Communication #1"

Topics:  Increasing waves of Divine Feminine energy, reclaiming balance, opening our hearts, increasing and enhancing communication, how am I helping?


November 16, 2014 "Communication #2"

Topics:  Clearing shadows enhances communication, personal responsibility to change our communication, transparency enhanced through self-love, heart resonance and compassion.


November 23, 2014 "Communication #3"

Topics:  Automatic responses to energy, learning to greet each other with gratitude, enhancing communication with other kingdoms.


October 2014

October 5th, 2014 "Messages from Venus"

Topics: Pia's insights from Venus' perspective about the Divine Feminine, the rainbow body, and breaking free from what's not working.


October 12th, 2014 "The New Human - #1"

Topics: "Destruction of Barriers & Change of Perceptions"  Laarkmaa gives us a new understanding of destruction, limiting energy, the processs of becoming the new humans, humans as wave forms, our skin boundaries.


October 19th, 2014 "The New Human - #2

Topics: Perceptions, conflicts in duality, dealing with discomfort, attachment to opinions, tensions in relationship.


October 26th, 2014 "The New Human - #3

Topics:  Waves of new energy, moving into free flow, remembrance of self-healing, integration in the void, relationship challenges.


September 2014

September 7th, 2014 "Understanding Signs & Symbols"

Topics: 3rd in a series of messages from Laarkmaa helping humans to evolve.  This week Laarkmaa tells us how important it is for us to pay attention to the signs and symbols all around us.


September 8th, 2014 "The Marys Speak"

Topics: Mother Mary and Mary Magdeline bring warnings and information to help us in the coming challenging times.


September 14th, 2014 "Coming Changes: Fire & Water"

Topics: 4th in a series of messages from Laarkmaa helping humans to evolve.  This week Laarkmaa speaks about adapting to the coming changes.


September 21st, 2014 "Another View of Transparency"

Topics: 5th in a series of messages from Laarkmaa helping humans to evolve.  Discern; Respond; Make a Clear Choice. The Essence of Transparency.


September 28th, 2014 "Protection"

Topics: 6th in a series of messages from Laarkmaa helping humans to evolve.  Laarkmaa helps us to develop our own protection to navigate coming challenges.


August 2014

 August 3rd, 2014 "Media"

Topics: 5th in a series of messages from Laarkmaa helping us to see our blocks and suggestions of how to deal with them.  Laarkmaa addresses the way that we are affected through listening and watching inappropriate sources of information.


August 10th, 2014 "Family"
Topics:  Laarkmaa refers to their perspective on loyalty to truth and asks us to take a new look at how we think of and involve ourselves with family.


August 17th, 2014 "Letting Go to Make the Leap"
Topics:  Dropping away from the old and letting go to make the leap into the future of humanity.


August 24th, 2014 "The Fallacy of Curiosity"

Topics: 1st in a series of messages from Laarkmaa helping humans to evolve.  This week; from their perspective, curiosity serves only one purpose, and it may not be what we "think."


August 31st, 2014 "The Wisdom in Slowness"

Topics: 2nd in a series of messages from Laarkmaa helping humans to evolve.  This week Laarkmaa encourages us to slooow down. 


July 2014

 July 4th, 2014 "True Freedom"

Topics: 1st in a series of messages from Laarkmaa helping us to see our blocks and suggestions of how to deal with them.  This one is the block of government and our ideas of freedom.


July 13th, 2014 "Religion or Spirituality"
Topics:  The second in the series of blocks to overcome.  Religion


July 20th, 2014 "Economics"

Topics:  The third block for humans to overcome.


July 27th, 2014 "Education"

Topics: Block #4.  Laarkmaa encourages us to "think" differently and teach our children to learn from their hearts.


June 2014

 June 1st, 2014 "State of Humanity Address"

Topics: Why Laarkmaa was silent all winter; Accelerate personal and collective growth; Some of the greatest hindrances on our path.


June 8th, 2014 "False Prophets & New Voices of Truth"
Topics:  Heart based sharing; Awareness of Truth; Discernment


June 14th, 2014 "Clarity, Honesty, Integrety and Transparency"

Topics:  How to become more clear, honest, full of integrity and transparent


June 21st, 2014 "Solstice Message"

Topics:  Other voices from the stars; The light grid over the planet; Portals of Multidimensionality; Trust the approach; Light comes to expose the darkness


June 29th, 2014 "Ahh....To Be Human"

Topics:  Toxins in the chakras of our cells; Feeling the transitional process; The gift of emotional pain; Questions of why; The Pleiadian process of evolution; Breathing in good habits



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