Pia and Cullen

Dec 4, 20232 min


Today at sunset we once again enter a 13-day period of Being Energy, which is an initiating energy. Being Energy is related to the power of the Divine Feminine and also represents the waters from which all life springs. The Earth Energy of Being will be over-lighting all the other Earth Energies for the next 13 days, with a sense of enhanced creativity and the possibility of beginning again in any moment if we need to. As always, inappropriate use of this energy, as with all energies, is to waste opportunities that arrive in each challenge, reacting to circumstances with criticism, judgment, and blame, which causes further separation. Appropriate use of Being Earth energy is to recognize and honor the water that we and others are, be nurturing to each other, create new ways to live more harmoniously in the world.

We need each other, and we need to harmoniously co-create whatever we wish to experience next. May the waters we are help us to flow through challenges and bring new and more positive experiences in the next 13-days!

With kindness, compassion, and love,


My new book Mary Magdalene’s Daughter is now available.

Personal Charts are available to study your own energy.

Or choose to explore your own Energy by dipping into the wisdom shared in the book Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology–Charting the Spirals of Consciousness.

Explore the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system in the newly released 2024 Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar.

Laarkmaa is always available to assist through sharing their Pleiadian perspective in personal sessions. You can request a personal session to receive their help or an Evolutionary Evaluation.

Intuitive Sessions with Pia are also available.

You can request an Alternative Health Session or get individualized dietary support based on the Ascension Diet from Pia to support the changes you are making at a cellular level.

NANO SOMA, which helps you to return to the original blueprint of health, is availablehere (all proceeds go towards sharing Laarkmaa’s wisdom with the world):
