MP3Â Downloads - 2012
We have given our time, our energy, and our hearts to make this dialogue between humanity and a loving group of Pleiadians possible. The recordings of all the conversations are available here. Our goal is to support human evolution through opening people's hearts. Your donations make it possible to keep Laarkmaa's information available on this site. Â Â Â ~ With love and light, Pia and Cullen
(Click on link to download)
December, 2012
Recorded on December 1st, 2012 Ashland
Topics: Benefits of Silence; Manifestation; Toning; Communicating with Water; Out of body experience; Body adjustments to changes in incoming energy
Recorded on December 2nd, 2012 International Live Call
Topics: Manifesting through sound; The tone of Om; Christ Consciousness; Fear of "Not doing it right"; Water beings; Hawaii, Lemuria and Atlantis; Chakra's and "junk DNA"
Recorded on December 12th,2012 Mt Shasta Chinese Gathering
Topics: The energies of, and leading up to 12/21/12; The effects of technology on our children; Love in everyday life
Recorded on December 16th, 2012 International Live Call
Topics: The energy of the shift into the Golden age; Time; Dealing with human tragedy; Global group Meditation for 12/21/12;
Recorded on December 21st, 2012, Mt. Shasta
Topics: Changes in Universal energies arriving to lead Earth energies; Binary understanding of energy; 2013 - Portal to the Golden Age; Going inward for deep listening and integration; How to reach unity through duality; Dietary instructions for evolution; What can we do to help the collective consciousness; How to support our children in bringing in light; How to support animals transcendence.
Recorded on December 30th, 2012 International Live Call
Topics: Effects of the Shift: Bliss & Despair; Disappointment from expectations; Physical, Mental, and Emotional discomfort; How to deal with intense anger and grief; 2012, the release of 5000 years of pain, suffering, and separation; Creating space for the New to arrive.
November, 2012
Recorded on November 11th, 2012 International Live Call
Topics: 21 days of silence; Diet during these 21 days; Moving into fear; Physical challenges; The work of the Lightworkers.
Recorded on November 25th, 2012 International Live Call
Topics: Energy of Gratitude; Sidestepping drama; Effects of Core days; Releasing control; Exercise: Breathing through your Will center; Hurricane Sandy; 12/12/12 and 12/21/12; Period of darkness; Period of waiting; Higher levels of vibration
October, 2012
Recorded on October 14th, 2012 International Live Call
Topics: Lightworker Challenges; Feeling isolated; Building Community; Coming Earth Changes; Inner Journey; Living the Golded Rule; Responsibility
Recorded on October 28th, 2012 International Live Call
Topics: Using your will to monitor your thoughts; Structure of time; Strategic placement of lightworkers around the planet; 21 days of silence.
September, 2012
Recorded on September 26th, 2012
1hr 50min In Chinese and English
Recorded on September 29th, 2012, Ashland
Topics: Applying the wisdom that we have; Evolution of humanity and Earth; The power of Will; Difference between Will and Trust; Communicating through our water; Evolution of Humanity and Earth; Choice
Recorded on September 30th,International Live Call
Topics: Expanding the use of your mind; How to manifest; Sending light to political leaders of the world; The power of Will; taking knowledge from the cognitive into practice.
August, 2012
Recorded in Russian and English.
June, 2012
Recorded on June 3rd, 2012 Live International Call
Topics: The Lunar Eclipse and Venus Transit Energies; Surrender, Acceptance, and Responsibility; The Value of Feeling Separation; Focusing Attention Only On the Present; Physical Symptomos of Evolution; How to Use Alchemy
May 2012
Recorded on May 1, 2012 Ashland
Topics: Building the New Foundation; Guidelines For Making the Shift; Releasing Attachments; The Difference Between Taking Life and Sharing Life; Healing Our Water & Our Air; The Ultimate Responsibility; The Venus Transit is Coming
Recorded on May 6, 2012 Live International Call
Topics: How to Release Attachments; Venus Transit and Venus Retrograde; Upcoming Solar Eclipse & Emotions; Lightening Provides Vibrational Change Opportunities; What do the 1% Need to Do Now? Listening to Teachers & Gurus: Laarkmaa says: "We Are Not Your Teachers; We Are Another Yourself"
Recorded on May 8, 2012 Ashland
Topics: Physical Effects of Atmospheric Changes; Naturally Occurring Chemicals That Support Our Immune Systems; Lessening Our Physical Density; The New Nutrition: Sun Gazing; The 8th Chakra; 2012 Escalations
Recorded on May 12, 2012 Portland, OR
Topics: Relationship Special: All About Relationships
Recorded on May 19, 2012 Ashland Special Eclipse Gathering
Topics: The Solar Eclipse: Alcyone Moves In To Help; The Lunar Eclipse: Changing Our Waters; Perceptions of Multi-Dimensionality; Acoustic Adjustments; DNA Changes & Other Dimensions; Ascension of Earth and Humanity
Recorded on May 20, 2012 Live International Call
Topics: Solar and Lunar Eclipse: The Message; Moving Beyond Form & Dimension; Physical, Emotional & Earth Changes
Recorded on May 22, 2012 Seattle, WA
Topics: An Introduction to Laarkmaa's Wisdom; The Physical, Mental, and Emotional Human; Shadow Work; Duality and Time
April, 2012
Recorded on April 1, 2012 International Live Call
Topics: Boundaries in Duality; Resolving Conflict; Increasing Multi-Dimensional Awareness; Dreams and Light Body Travel
Recorded on April 8, 2012 International Live Call
Topics: Ascension: The Process Now! Winning the Battle of Light Over Dark; Correcting the Imbalances on Earth; Trust: the Alchemical Secret; New Children: How to Guide Them
Recorded on April 10, 2012 Ashland
Topics: Mary Magdalene: What is Blocking Love?Laarkmaa: The Importance of Freedom; Understanding Responsibility; Loyalty to Truth Means Giving Back Responsibilities That Are Not Yours and Taking Responsibility for What Is Yours; Pole Shifts & Human Shifts: Physical Form Changes and Earth Changes; ShiftsShapeshifting and Dimensional Awareness
Recorded on April 14, 2012 Boulder, Colorado
Topics: The importance of choosing our community;Water to communicate; All We Need To Know About the Dark; Masculine and Feminine out of balance; Evolving our Brains; Potential changes occurring on the Earth
Recorded on April 17, 2012 Ashland
Topics: The Grand Progression: Gratitude, Joy, Love; Monitoring Mental Patterns & Attitudes; Changing Our Vibration; Stretching the Time We Spend in Other Dimensions; How to Introduce Pleiadian Wisdom to Others
Recorded on April 22, 2012 International Live Call
Topics: Divinity is Within Us; Earth's Ascension: Will There Be Two Earths? The Art of Healing; Cleansing Toxcity in Humans & in Earth; The Best Meditation Technique;Pia and Cullen Discuss Expansion as Part of Human Evolution
Recorded on April 24, 2012 Ashland
Topics: How to Recognize Pleiadians; How to Recognize Ourselves; Expanding Beyond 3-D Through Portals; Teaching Children How to Be; Pole Shifts Affecting Human Behavior.
March, 2012
Recorded on March 6, 2012 Ashland
Topics: Changing Magnosphere; Acclimating to higher vibrations
Recorded on March 11, 2012 International Live Call
Topics: The Gift Within Conflict
Recorded on March 13, 2012 Ashland
Topics: Laugh to Raise Our Vibration; Communicating Through Our Water; Accessing Multi-dimensionality Without Linearity; The Best Understanding of Energy
Recorded on March 25, 2012 International Live Call
Topics: Healing and Forgiveness;
Recorded on March 27, 2012 Ashland
Topics: The Effects of Accelerated Change: Physical, Emotional, Financial; Acclimating to the Changing Magnosphere; The Science of Truth: How Things REALLY Are; Communication & Transportation in the New Reality; The Power of Each Person's Contract; Moving Into A Free Energy State; Laughter to Support Raising Your Vibration; Challenges As Portals For Change to Higher Vibratory States; The Illusion and Constraints of Time; How To Move Away From What Does Not Nourish You; The Dangers of Technology to Human Form
Recorded on March 31, 2012 Grants Pass, Oregon
Topics: Where Is Laaarkmaa From? What Is Happening to Our Sun? The Rainbow Bridge; The Path of Ascension;Our Natural Instincts; Colors & Sound for Healing and Growth;Can Light Be Manipulated? Enhancing the Quality of Food We Grow
February, 2012
Recorded on February 5, 2012 Live International Call
Topics: 3 Heart-based intentions for raising global consciousness; Why is love not an emotion? How couples can support each other during these times; DNA Activation keys; Coincidence Control and Future Memory
Recorded on February 7, 2012 Ashland
Topics: Understanding Instinct; Being Afraid of Fear; The Trinity of Healing; How to Heal Addictions; The Art of Returning to the Present Moment
Recorded on February 12, 2012 Live International Call
Topics: Changing Our Understanding of Instinct; Humanity's Misunderstanding of Instinctual Response; Returning Instantly to the State of Love and Trust;What's the Truth about Survival of the Fittest?
Recorded on February 14, 2012 Ashland
Topics: Seeing Vibrational Colors of the Auric Field; Opening the Senses of Our DNA; 2/11/12- 2/21/12- A Portal of Opportunity and Light; Sharing Experiences of New Portal Energies; Mary Magdalene: Returning Heart of Humanity
Recorded on Februrary 19, 2012 Live International Call
Topics: The Current Portal for Doing Light Work; The Tipping Point for Humanity: War or Peace?Expanding Laarkmaa's Energy Into the World; In Nature: To be Silent or to Sing? Accessing Parallel Lives
Recorded on February 21, 2012 Ashland
Topics: Return of Christ Consciousness & Our Responsibility;Color Meditation to Return the Heart to Humanity;How Can We Trust Others? Hearing the Unusual;DNA Strands and Development of New Senses
Recorded on February 28, 2012 Ashland
Topics: Breathing Under Water; Remembering What We Can Do; Opening the New Senses; The 12 Strands of DNA & Multi-dimensional experience; Working With the Intensity of Core Days
January, 2012
Recorded on January 3, 2012 Ashland
Topics: Energy!
Recorded on January 13, 2012 Special recording
Topics: Special on Children
Recorded on January 21, 2012 Special Recording
Topics: Parallel Lives; Time
Recorded on January 22, 2012 International Live Call
Topics: Combined energies: Year of the Dragon, Age of Aquarius, End of Kali Yuga; Experiencing Pleiadian energies directly; The difference between Affirmations and Removing Negative Thoughts
Recorded on January 24, 2012 Ashland
Topics: The effects of living in duality; Why cycles & patterns are difficult to break; Familiarity as a magnetic pull for habits; The Sun: Coronal Mass Ejections & the Earth's Magnetic Field;
Recorded on January 28, 2012 Live International Call
Topics: The importance of water for communication; How we can impact coming changes; Love and Unity are stronger than control
Recorded on January 31, 2012 Ashland
Topics: Collective Karma; Setting Group Intentions; Using the Energy of Trust; The Power of the Present Moment; Pleiadian Evolution, Human Evolution, & Love