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MP3 Downloads - 2013

We have given our time, our energy, and our hearts to make this dialogue between humanity and a loving group of Pleiadians possible. The recordings of all the conversations are available here. Our goal is to support human evolution through opening people's hearts. Your donations make it possible to keep Laarkmaa's information available on this site.      ~  With love and light, Pia and Cullen

(Click on link to download)

Laarkmaa's Heart Meditation


Talk on "Evolving Toward Unity"




September, 2013

Recorded on September 1st, 2013 International Live Call

Topics: Helping vs Care Giving; Summer Solstice to Fall Equinox; Everything based on Love or Fear; The Feeling of Love; Evolutionary Pulse Marks; Earth and Human Evolution, how is it affecting Star Beings.


August, 2013

Recorded on August 11th, 2013 International Live Call

Topics: The Golden Age; Using love to move beyond fear; The Inner Realms; Extremes of Duality; Humans experiencing change of all kinds; "Assisting Remaining Humanity"; Earth's Ascension; Being of Service in large Cities.


Recorded on August 20th, 2013 Ashland Gathering

Topics: September 22nd: What may come; What's happening to our Sun; Ahimsa - Do No Harm; Topics from Laarkmaa's new book - Remembering Who We Are; Impending Shifts and Changes; Helping Children Through the Changes; Roles of Insterstellar helpers; Fear of not Ascending; How can we support others in pain


June, 2013

Recorded on June 2nd, 2013 International Live Call

Topics: New Colors, Iridescence, Sparkle, Luminescence; Holy Day June 22nd; Creating from the NOW moment; Bridge of Trust; Clean air to Mexico; 12 strands of DNA; Allowing movement of energy; Parallel Universes; Balancing being of service and being in nature.


May, 2013

Recorded on May 12th,2013 International Live Call

Topics: Pia and Cullen in gratitude for Light and Love to Cullen; Update on Fracking; Proper Energetic Exchange; Learn to receive from the Heart; May 5th Energy shift; Chem Trails; Divine Feminine for Mother's Day; Spiritual Responsibility vs Physical Responsibility; Releasing Attachment.


Recorded on May 19th,2013 International Live Call 

Topics: Anxiety, Excitement and Change; How can I Serve; Transportation in the future; Sexuality; Hosting Laarkmaa in Europe; Rainbow Body Form Recorded on


May 26th, 2013 International Live Call

Topics: True Community; Proper Manifesting; Discernment vs. Judgment; Moving beyond Fear; Our natural Gifts; Proper Energetic Exchange.


April, 2013

Recorded on April 7th,2013 International Live Call

Topics: Pia and Cullen talk about the upcoming book; Fracking; White Light of Truth, Green Light of Healing; Practicing Telepathy with Children; Chemtrails; Neutering and Spaying animals; Communicating with Trees, Animals and Crystals; Living without Fear


March, 2013

Recorded on March 10th, 2013 International Live Call

Topics: Difference between internal resistance and external change;Infinity Symbol; Dangers of Sugar; Physical and Emotional symptoms;Raising Vibrations; Fungal Infections; Increased Radiation; Power of Will;Living on Love, Sunlight and Water; Update on Laarkmaa Retreat Center;Probiotic Saccharomyces Boulardii


Recorded on March 27th, 2013 International Live Call

Topics: Energy of Fear; Envoking the Energy of Trust; Effects of Radiation; Where do Emotions come from? Lucid Dreaming; Drama vs Passion; Multi-dimensional Teachings; Evaporated Cane Juice; Hobbies; Death and Unresolved Emotions; Auditory Sensitivity.


January, 2013

Recorded on January 13th, 2013 International Live Call 

Topics: Moving from the construct of time; Children in unawakened families; Sending light of Grace and Healing and then Transformation to parts of the world; Sending light to China; Surrendering control of the Body; Center for Laarkmaa

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